Nervous system reset - for healing and wellness

If you’re struggling with chronic health conditions, pain, hormonal transitions, weight issues or chronic stress and anxiety, I would love to share my program to reset your nervous system.

I use EFT, aka “tapping,” to help my clients release anxiety and rewire their brains to help support them on their healing journey.

Schedule a free 30-minute consultation HERE and let's explore how we can find and release the emotional blocks that stand in the way of your wellbeing.

In this video from The Tapping Solution, Dr. Mark Hyman explains why resetting your nervous system is critical for healing, and states that TAPPING is one of the most directed and powerful ways to peel away layers of chronic stress.


We’ll discover what is causing you the most stress right now and use scientifically proven approaches (tapping, breathwork and meditation) to bring relief. I’ll also teach brain rewiring techniques to stop the endless loop of worrying about your symptoms.

Learn the Tools

Joy & Goal Setting

Learn how to incorporate routines and strategies to support your sense of inner peace and wellbeing. Explore what makes you feel truly happy and identify areas that block your sense of joy. We’ll begin to do some deeper work to gently release those blocks. Then, set a goal and identify any resistance.

After 6 weeks, you may wish to continue to do gentle tapping work with me bi-weekly or monthly. Or you may want to purchase a package to do the deeper work to find the root cause of some of the issues holding illness in place. These beliefs and mindsets are generally hidden in the subconscious and can be peeled away layer by layer.

Continuing the Work

“Bronwyn’s work gave me my freedom back.”

“Thanks to the deep work I did with Bronwyn, I discovered, and cleared, what was behind the issues I was experiencing. The boys and I are all benefiting from the freedom I now have. I highly recommend EFT with Bronwyn. It’s life-changing work.”

Nicole, mother of 2 boys

Let’s talk about how I can support you on your healing journey and decide which program would be the best fit for you. I offer individual programs as well as group programs.

Group programs are great for women who want to learn how to use tapping and other techniques for resetting the nervous system, experience positive shifts in their bodies and lives, and enjoy the support of a group setting. Individual programs go deep into your own story resulting in more profound transformations.


EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) aka “tapping,” is recognized as an evidence-based practice by the American Psychological Association (APA) based on scientific literature and clinical trials. Over 50 published randomized controlled trials have demonstrated the effectiveness of EFT at reducing stress and anxiety. What I love most about EFT is how, by leaning into the messages our bodies are sending, we can find the root cause of unhealthy or unwanted patterns and unconscious beliefs we are holding.

With this awareness, we can release emotional blocks that keep us from progressing on our healing journey. LEARN MORE about how I used EFT to heal my life.

Schedule a free 30-minute consultation and let’s explore how I can help you.

“I have worked with Bronwyn on multiple occasions and have always left our sessions with way more clarity than I expected to find.  She has a very gentle way of digging deep to find where the limiting beliefs lie, and an even gentler way of helping me work through them, and let them go.

She has helped me release old traumas and emotional pains that I had been holding onto for most of my life.  She helped me release fears around my health that were causing tremendous anxiety, finding a link to childhood experiences and bringing healing to my inner child. She has helped me change the way I approach my business, and has given me many tools to move forward and empower myself to live my best life.”

Krystal Einarrson