The best YOU makes the best MOM.

A conscious mother empowers her children by empowering herself.

Hi, Mom!

Do you want your child to grow up to be happy, confident and succeeding in life? Fulfilled by relationships, school, work and other endeavors? Of course you do!

However, there is a risk that you may be unconsciously blocking this very vision you hold for them.

As a certified EFT and Energy Psychology practitioner, I am devoted to helping mothers become conscious mothers. Being a conscious mom is like putting your oxygen mask on before helping others. It’s a mother willing to become aware of conditioning she developed from her own upbringing which she may be imparting to her children.

Most of us run on automatic, not realizing that unconscious “programming” (ways of thinking and behaving, beliefs about ourselves and the world) was handed down to us from our parents and childhood experiences.

Uncovering your limiting beliefs and patterns leads to becoming the best version of yourself, which in turn inspires your children to be the best version of themselves.

Transform yourself and you’ll transform your family.



We’ll handle issues like taking your child’s emotions personally, or feeling like a failure, or dealing with mom guilt, and build a foundation to shift your perspective.


In addition to learning tools to reduce stress, we’ll work to uncover the story you’re telling about yourself that feeds your anxieties, so that a new, healthier story can be told.


We’ll explore what’s triggering you and find the real source behind it. With awareness comes the ability to consciously make choices that better support your whole family.


Feel like you don’t know yourself anymore? Unsure of what even makes you happy? We’ll explore the challenges that come with transitioning into your new identity as Mom.

“Bronwyn’s work gave me my freedom back.”

“Thanks to the deep work I did with Bronwyn, I discovered, and cleared, what was behind the issues I was experiencing. The boys and I are all benefiting from the freedom I now have. I highly recommend EFT with Bronwyn. It’s life-changing work.”

Nicole, mother of 2 boys

Schedule a free consultation to explore Conscious Parenting.

Why EFT and How It Has Worked For Me

EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) aka “tapping,” is a scientifically-proven technique for reducing stress and anxiety, which is a huge benefit to anyone. But what I love most about EFT is how, by leaning into the messages our bodies are sending, we can find the root cause of unhealthy or unwanted patterns and behaviors in our lives. It’s a wonderful tool for self-awareness.

For example, through EFT, I traced back my subconscious belief that I didn’t deserve good things. Relationships suffered and I sabotaged every opportunity that came my way. This belief developed as a result of how I was raised — my family certainly loved me, but were unaware of how their own beliefs, messages and behaviors were shaping me.

My mother would never have deliberately handed down her own wounds to me. I know that if she had been conscious of this “invisible process,” she would have made sure I recognized my value, and taught me how to reach for joy. Thankfully, by doing this work, I released negative patterns and I now live my best life ever.

Imagine a world where every mother did this for herself. No longer passing down unwanted “programming,” but being fully conscious so that she can live her best life… and teach her kids how to do the same!!

“Bronwyn's gentle demeanor and empathetic nature provided a safe space for me to be vulnerable. I was able to release long-held issues around the loss of my mother when I was a child. As my unconscious need to protect my heart released, my relationship with my sons began to transform. I am forever grateful for Bronwyn's support.” 

Jane, mother of 3 boys