How my journey began

A few years back, I took a look at my life and realized something had gone terribly wrong.

I had an unfulfilling job, was dealing with a health crisis, my relationships weren’t great, and I was battling anxiety and depression. I woke up one day and wondered, “How on earth did I get here?”

In all honesty, I started my adult life with a ton of potential but I sabotaged every opportunity that came my way. I knew I needed help, and I gave EFT a try. As I examined my life, I realized that I was holding onto the belief that I couldn’t have what I wanted, that it wasn’t safe to be happy. I remembered my parents telling me put your feet back on the ground every time I mentioned a dream or desire. Through their own lens of failure and pain, they thought they were protecting me from being hurt if I didn’t achieve my goals, but what I heard was… “Stop dreaming. You’ll never have what you want.”

EFT helped me realize that I was orchestrating the patterns in my life which kept me stressed out and depressed, drawing people into my life that would perpetuate the negative story I told about myself, a story of rejection and failure.

I am now living consciously, making decisions that support my goals and enjoying life like I never knew I could. I have amazing relationships and I love the work I do. My motto is “choose joy” and I reach for it every day.

I became a certified EFT Practitioner so I could help other women break free from old programming that holds them back from living the life they want to live.


  • EFT Tapping

  • Meditation

  • Breathwork

  • Parts work

  • Empty chair work


  • Certified EFT Practitioner - 2022

  • Certified Energy Psychology Practitioner - 2021

  • Healing Touch Level 1 - 2017

While Bronwyn is based in North Carolina, she sees clients via video sessions worldwide. If you are interested in exploring sessions, you can schedule a free phone consultation here.

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