Step into your FULL POTENTIAL.

Release your blocks. Transform your life.

Hi, I’m Bronwyn!

I help women discover and release the blocks that are standing in the way of reaching their full potential.

If you’re having trouble moving to the next level in your career, I can help you release the unconscious beliefs that may be keeping you stuck. If you feel cut off from joy, I can help you release trapped pain and frustrations so that you can realize authentic happiness. If you’re struggling with relationships or boundary issues, I can help you find your voice and become comfortable and confident speaking up.

Schedule a free 30-minute consultation HERE and let’s start your journey of personal and professional transformation.


Discover Hidden Programming

We’ll discover where you feel stuck and dig deep to get at the roots of whatever limiting beliefs and conditioning are holding you back. We’ll tackle issues like:

  • Self-esteem, worthiness

  • Imposter syndrome

  • Playing small to please others - this is a big one many women don’t realize they carry

  • Scarcity mentality - another big one

  • Finding and using your voice

  • Healthy boundaries - it’s okay to say “no”

Release Emotional Blocks

We’ll go deeper into your story to discover the programming that is running behind the scenes and release stuck energy. We’ll discover what makes you act and react in ways that sabotage your progress and clear it out so that you can be the conscious creator of your life, in charge of your own actions and reactions.

  • Relationship issues

  • Health and body confidence (I can help you beat those cravings or find the motivation to take a walk or work out)

  • Find purpose and joy in work and life

Set Goals

Set a goal and listen for the voice that says, “Yeah, right.” That voice is the one that’s really calling the shots, no matter how much you try to convince yourself otherwise.

Know that this voice is not an enemy, it’s just a sign that we have more work to do. We’ll release any remaining doubt and negativity, then take action!

Watch your life begin to transform when your beliefs about yourself have shifted, when self-confidence and joy, instead of fear and stress, are at the center of your new story.

“Bronwyn’s work gave me my freedom back.”

“Thanks to the deep work I did with Bronwyn, I discovered, and cleared, what was behind the issues I was experiencing. The boys and I are all benefiting from the freedom I now have. I highly recommend EFT with Bronwyn. It’s life-changing work.”

Nicole, mother of 2 boys

Free Consultation

Let’s talk about how I can support you on your journey of transformation. We’ll review where you are right now versus where you want to be - in your career, relationships, or life!

We’ll decide if my program is a good fit, and get your first session scheduled. I will follow up with an intake form and confidentiality agreement. I can’t wait to work with you!

6-Week Program

We’ll meet for three weeks, take a week off, then meet for three more weeks. The first session is 90 minutes (so the cost is slightly more), the remaining sessions are scheduled for 1 hour, but I do build in extra time if we need to go a little long.


First 3 sessions (bundle): $475

Second 3 Sessions (bundle): $450

One Time Payment: $900

Add On Sessions

  • After completing a program, you can purchase an additional program package at a reduced rate.

  • You can purchase single sessions for $175 for a 90-minute deep dive session.


I use EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) aka “tapping,” to lean into the messages our bodies are sending that give us clues as to how we’re handling life. We’ll find the areas causing you stress, use tapping to reduce feelings of anxiety or overwhelm, and then dig deeper to find what’s really behind the reactions you are having.

I love this work because we get to be detectives finding out what’s really behind the beliefs that hold you back from the life you really want to live. With this awareness, we can make new choices, behave in ways that support our goals, and react to people, obstacles and triggers from a place of conscious awareness instead of unconscious programming.

LEARN MORE about how I used EFT to transform my life.

Schedule a free 30-minute consultation and let’s explore how I can help you.

“I have worked with Bronwyn on multiple occasions and have always left our sessions with way more clarity than I expected to find.  She has a very gentle way of digging deep to find where the limiting beliefs lie, and an even gentler way of helping me work through them, and let them go.

She has helped me release old traumas and emotional pains that I had been holding onto for most of my life.  She helped me release fears around my health that were causing tremendous anxiety, finding a link to childhood experiences and bringing healing to my inner child. She has helped me change the way I approach my business, and has given me many tools to move forward and empower myself to live my best life.”

Krystal Einarrson